The Diplomat Club
A Private Gay Sauna
Check-in valid for 8 Hours
Must be 18 years or older with valid ID
1 Day Membership Pass $15
3 Month Membership $30
1 Year Membership $100
Locker - $25​
Small Room - $30
Mini VIP (TV & Plug) - $35
VIP (TV, Fulll bed, plug) - $45
Xtra Large VIP - $50
The Upper Level
An Alternative Adult Stay
Check in at 3 pm out at 11am
The Master Suite $159
The Retro Room $129
The Loft Room $119
Above prices are for one person
(Add a Second person to each room for $39)
Each room has a cleaning fee of $20
You must be 21 years or older with a valid credit card to rent in the upper level.
See clerk for more information.
These rooms are the only ones we offer that can be reserved ahead of time. Your club day-pass and entry are included in the room pricing.
To Book a room in The Upper Level...
email marshtod@yahoo.com

Membership is required as we are a private club. You may alternatively purchase a day pass with your room or locker. Membership information is always kept completely PRIVATE and CONFIDENTIAL. Ages 18+ only. ID required for all entering club.
Rentals are valid for 8 Hours with a 2 hour leave-and-come-back window! You may only renew one time. No more than 16 hours in a row. For longer stays check out The Upper Level.
We are open 24 hours, and accept cash, credit or debit: All major credit cards accepted.
2324 Division Avenue
Grand Rapids, MI
Tel 616-452-3754